What Spirituality Is And What It Is Not

There is a fair amount of misunderstanding about spirituality.  Often people think that being psychic, is what being spiritual is all about.  Yet, this is one of the by-products, of spiritual practice.  It is not the goal.  Spirituality is not about sitting around ‘looking spiritual’, wearing new age clothes, being ‘in the clouds’ or thinking that you are more’ conscious’ and/or awake than others.  Yet these may be a stage of the spiritual path.

Real spirituality is doing the inner work of removing our negative impressions, mind patterns, tendencies and habits and coming out of the false sense of separation (ego) that keeps us in ignorance of who we truly are.  It is a long and steady process, of purifying the heart and mind.  For this we need many tools and practices.  Some of these are daily meditation and mindfulness practices.  Learning to keep the body still, calming the mind, abiding quietly in yourself, as the Witness Consciousness.  So, it is not about escaping into another world, it is about being fully here, in and as your true Self - Infinite Consciousness.   Being totally alert and present to the drama of life but without being adversely affected, by the changing of the outer or inner circumstances of one’s life.

As you begin to relax and enjoy meditation then, you can begin to increase the meditation time, gradually.  Not too fast or your head can heat up and cause adverse symptoms.  Also not wasting valuable time in idle chatting, social media and instead using that time to train your mind.

Further more, one must  develop love and devotion to God, with or without form.  No spiritual practice is complete without devotion, as it would indicate that you are not aware of the reality of life, which is oneness.  How could you not feel devotion when there is only God?  Nothing before God and nothing after God.  Only God.  Formless God appearing as form.

Devotional practices such as prayer is often a request for worldly sense object, gratifications.  They increase the load of misery and suffering.  We are stressed before obtaining the desired object, as we are very anxious to fulfil our desire.  When we fulfil the desire, the mind relaxes but soon the restlessness of mind arises, due to another unfulfilled desire arising.  Desires cannot be fulfilled, one follows on from another, ad infinitum.    Since all objects are temporal, it won’t be long before we  feel sad at having lost the object, as the object breaks, becomes too old or a dear person passes.  Everything in the ‘outside’ world are passing objects, including your very body.  Either way, we lose our inner peace.  We are using our consciousness to fulfil our desires, when in fact, we should use our consciousness to become Self-realised.

Faith is another very important aspect of the path of love and devotion.  Without faith we can do nothing.  Faith is everything.  Think about this…you have faith in that you will reach your work place by car, safely or you would not get in the car each morning and drive to work.  So, you do have faith in some aspects of life but not in others.  Some people have faith in a Higher Power but not in themselves.  Others have faith in themselves but not in the Higher Power.  Those who don’t have faith in God, often feel overcome with emotions, when things don’t go well for them.  Those with faith are more resilient, as they trust in the Divine plan, in the natural order of things.  Having faith in oneself but not in God is not understanding that the body, mind and intellect cannot exist without the Higher Power, as it actually exists in It.  Conversely, having faith in God but not in oneself, is not enough because of who and what we are - we are That!  It indicates a lack of awareness of the Truth.

Every time we think, speak and do an action, we accrue merits or demerits (karma).  The repercussions of our activities return to us, in like kind.  Like attracts like.  It is the law of attraction.  We must train our mind to cultivate greater virtues, so that we accrue more merits, for the greater good.  Since, we know that we are all one, it is our duty to serve others and see God in them or at least see a spark of God in them.  We must look for the good in others, even when there is only seemingly a little good, in them.  In this way, we become good ourselves.  We see on the ‘outside’, what we see on the ‘inside’.  Of course, in reality there is no division between inside and outside, as life is one undivided wholeness.

We are to offer the fruits of our actions to God, prior to starting our work, in this way, we would not wish to give God anything less that the best, of us.  We are also to control our negativities and not express these, so that they don’t increase. What you ‘nourish’ grows….It is not easy to curb one’s weaknesses but this is the training - being mindfully aware of the weaknesses and improving our character.  As we are triggered, then not to react outwardly in a negative way and let the moment pass-by and then respond skilfully, in a way that does not hurt others, on the contrary, responding skilfully to benefit them.  We must never speak in anger towards anybody, it is better to walk away or be silent.  That way we do not hurt others with our words and create bad karma for ourselves.

Furthermore, we must read some ancient scriptures e.g the Bhagavad Gita or the Upanishads, to learn the truth about God, ourself and about the world.  We must imbibe the sacred utterances e.g. “Consciousness is Brahman” and “This Self (Ātman) is Brahman” and make them real to ourselves, by reflecting upon them deeply.  In this way we will understand the truth of who we are.  This is what spiritual practice is all about.

So, to summarise, we must do intense spiritual practice for as long as it takes, for us to wake up fully to who we truly are, to discover the Self, which is beyond the body, mind and intellect, to realise in the depth of our being that God and the creation are not two.  They are one and the same.  This should be imbibed to the deepest degree, so that it is reflected in our day-to-day life.  This is a true spiritualised life.  We are in the world but not of the world.  We live in the awareness of that there is nothing external to myself.  Then we will love everything and everyone equally.  This is called enlightenment or self-realisation and this is the purpose of true spiritual practice.  This is what liberates us from personal suffering.  It is the only thing that liberates us from the false identification with the separate sense of self (the ego).  So for now, we have more inner work to do.  

I pray that we all progress steadily on the spiritual path and experience greater and greater love, peace and joy.  Many blessings to you!

 Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual development is the purification of the mind, since there is no development, in the spiritual Self. Spirit is already perfect but it is veiled by the illusions of the mind. When the illusions have been extinguished, then the real ‘I’ within, can shine in all its glory - beautiful, radiant, pure Spirit, shining through your vessel, in a tangible way. This is the purpose of spiritual practice…purification of the mind, leading to spiritual awakening and then finally to embodied liberation - Katarina Tilley -

Woman being mindful of the sunset.

Spiritual awakening is the glimpsing of a direct awareness of your true Self, as formless Spirit, as opposed to identifying with the ego’s idea of a separate self. After an initial awakening, there are many transformations taking place in people. That is usually followed by many more glimpses, which eventually result in realising who you truly are, what the world is and what God is and being at one with all. This is called enlightenment, which means living life from a place of oneness. This process can take quite some time to complete.

Why would you want to seek this? Because you cannot be truly and authentically happy unless you do find it. Everything in the world is temporary and not fully satisfactory. Happiness is already within you, it is your true nature. Only oneness is the reality and fulfilment of life. Wholeness is experiencing life beyond personal suffering. It is a transpersonal experiencing of life.

What if if you are able to meet the present moment with wonder, able to live consciously, have genuine connectivity with others (they are none other than your true Self/God), experience true purity of heart, live simply from an elevated state? Suppose you can be present and alert to the unfolding moment? What if you could have a heart full of goodness, live in a state of love, have a peaceful mind and experience present moment joy? What if you could truly surrender and accept life as it unfolds? How about being a loving, peaceful and joyous presence, in service of others, for the greater good?

The truth is that you can. It depends on awakening to Universal Truth, through self-observation, by seeing through your illusions, purifying your mind through spiritual practices and by removing the overlay over your true Self - your Highest Self (God within), until you arrive at Wholeness, in due course. Experience shows that in the majority of cases, this cannot be done by ourselves, we need somebody who themselves have awakened and embody oneness, to guide us.

During my 19 year spiritual ‘journey’ with my Guru (at the time of writing), I learned the truth about my Self, the world and God. It was a gradual dawning that they are one and the same being - our true Self. Through the unconditional love from my Guru, the practice of meditation, purification of the mind, guidance, selfless service, devotion, study, listening to teachings, japa (personal mantra chanting), attentive awareness and living in the present moment - mindfulness, my heart opened. My Guru was the object of my meditation in all waking hours and gradually the Self’s qualities began to awaken in me and my personal suffering gradually dissolved. It was a beautiful yet intense ‘journey’ into Divine Love and Peace.

If you would like to begin to explore and awaken to the truth of your being, then consider booking some one-to-one sessions. Be sure that I will meet you wherever you are at and help awaken and guide you back, to your true Self. The one-to-one sessions have a proven record of being transformative in nature.

Mindfulness Research Prove That Mindfulness Improves Well-Being

Mindfulness research.

Research has shown that mindfulness meditation can increase your well-being, by altering the structure and function of your brain, positively, in just 8 weeks of practice.  Studies show that it can reduce your negative mind wandering and help increase concentration, enhance your ability to manage difficult situations, lower your stress, anxiety and depression, lessen your emotional reactivity, change how you think and feel about your stressful experiences, strengthen your immune system, increase your clarity and peace, increase your concentration, productivity and creativity, improve your sleep, raise your self-confidence and increase your self-awareness.

MRI scans have enabled scientists to see the changes to the brains of mindfulness meditation practitioners and confirm that long-term practice of mindfulness meditation, can reduce the size of the amygdala in your brain, which may help to reduce anger, anxiety, fear and aggression. The amygdala are cells located at the base of your brain, which trigger the fight and flight reaction in your body, during stress. The amygdala is associated with fear and stress responses and when it reduces in size, so do the reactions to stressful situations. This enables you to respond wisely to stressful circumstances, instead of reacting, which can have a very negative impact on yourself and those around you.

Mindfulness meditation practice also increases the thickness of the hippocampus, which helps learning and memory. People with depression tend to have greater activation in the right prefrontal cortex than those that are not suffering from depression. The left prefrontal cortex is activated in mindfulness meditation practice and this reduces depression and improves mood. The above are just some of the benefits of mindfulness meditation practice, there are many more.

Your happiness depends upon the state of your mind.  Take this opportunity to train your mind and gain mindfulness and meditation skills that relate directly to your life.  Embark upon a more fulfilled life in the present moment, with a mindfulness course at Living in the Light, Little Clacton, near Colchester, in Essex. An 8 week mindfulness course may be the start of a peaceful way of being.

Create a Balanced Life with Meditation

Many people prior to Covid-19 and some people, such as parents, during the lockdown have been leading such busy lives that they could do with creating a balance in their lives. Does this sound like you? In the West most people are externally focused naturally and as such often tend to neglect their inner life…

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The spiritual practice of self-inquiry is the doorway to your true nature and as such has been practiced for thousands of years. This process enables you to wake up to the reality of who you truly are. Self-inquiry is a direct investigation of your personal experience. It is a means of looking deeply within…

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How to Cultivate Happiness

Everybody seeks happiness, yet it seems very illusive and fleeting.  One minute it is here and the next minute it is gone and once again it leaves us seeking.  If only we could press the pause button when we find ourselves in the state of happiness!  It seems like happiness is playing hide and seek, with us.  

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An introduction to Meditation

The purpose of this blog is to explain what meditation really is, outline a brief history of meditation and why you may wish to learn to meditate. I have included research findings and background information. In this blog you will also find listed its many positive benefits and how meditation is normally practiced.

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